Annotated Catalogue; To What Extent Is Johnny Depp A Method Actor

Annotated Catalogue; To What Extent Is Johnny Depp A Method Actor?


Item 1) The Rum Diary (2011) -
I chose to use this film as it highlights how much of a method actor Johnny Depp is, as during the time preparing for the role Johnny Depp actually lived in the basement of the guy whose story it was just to get a good idea of the character in real life and study him so Johnny could be the best he could at his role. For example, whilst Johnny was living in the basement he found a box containing a manuscript for the film The Rum Diary. And because of Depp this film came to life.

Item 2) Pirates Of The Caribbean; Dead Mans Chest (2006) -
 I purposefully chose this film as there is a scene involving Johnny Depp's character (Captain Jack Sparrow) on a beach holding a jar of dirt. Johnny begins frantically running about the beach shouting "I've got a jar of dirt I've got a jar of dirt" over and over again. and it turns out this wasn't actually scripted. Johnny Depp did this to get into the role of his character, Captain Jack Sparrow and it just so happened that the cameras were rolling and all of the casts reactions were real. In fact it looked so believable they decided to put it in the film.

Item 3)  Fear and loathing in Las Vegas (1998) -
I chose to use this film because it is one that has articles of Johnny Depp doing things in order to sustain and understand the role of the character he is playing. For Example, in on one of the websites it talks about how Johnny Depp travelled to Aspen, Colorado with Kate Moss to find out more about the role he was playing as it was the hometown of the characters so he wanted a better idea of this and how his character would of grown up and would of seen the world. So Johnny could empathise
with his character more on a personal level. For example, going to the characters local hideout 'The Woody Creek Tavern'. This highlights and shows the lengths Johnny Depp is willing to go to fulfil his character role to the best of his ability, as a method actor.

Interviews & Documentaries -

Item 4)

Johnny Depp as "Captain Jack Sparrow" sails into vancouver to visit patients at BC Childrens Hospital- 15 Aug 2017
Viewed on- 20th October 2017

I chose to use this interview as it shows Johnny Depp's dedication to his characters that he continues to perform the role even off screen in the real world to entertain. A true entertainer and method actor. This is shown as even in the real world he will do anything to maintain his role off set as he goes to a children's hospital in the role Captain Jack Sparrow and maintains the role throughout even from the moment he walked out of the car before the children could see him as if he wasn't a character but in fact the real life person. This is useful because it shows even outside of the film he is prepared to maintain the role in full.                                                                                      

Item 5)

Johnny Depp: When acting, 'the last thing i want to look like is myself' | TODAY - 18 Sep 2015
Viewed on 20th October 2017

This interview helps my research as it talks about Johnny Depp's view on acting and method acting which is exactly what I am looking for and what my research investigation is about. The answers he uses and questions asked work perfectly in my investigation as they talk about what I am trying to learn and find out about Johnny Depp. Even though this does not discuss any of the films I'm using infact a entirely different one the interview still talks about Depp's ideas and theories on his acting and how he as an actor conforms to method acting.

Item 6)

Johnny Depp | Actor Documentary - Posted on 17 Jan 2016

Viewed on 20th Oct 2017

I chose to use this documentary in my research investigation as it talks about a number of different techniques, films and method acting techniques Johnny Depp has done. This documentary relates to my investigation as it highlights the key things I am researching. It also mentions other films that Johnny Depp has been apart of and used method acting techniques, such as 'Edward ScissorHands' and more. As well as this it also mentions the distinct connection between Tim Burton and Johnny Depp as the two always work as a pair on most films.

Item 7)

The Insider Rewind: Johnny Depp Talks 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', 1998 - June 2012

Viewed- 20th Oct 2017

I chose to use this interview as it actually does relate one of the films I'm using called 'Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas'. This interview helps as he actually talks about the film and his process to getting into character using method acting. He talks about his steps during the filming and getting towards the filming. It helps with my research investigation as it talks about what I'm researching into about Johnny Depp's view on acting, his preparation and his method acting.


Item 8)
Item 9)
Johnny Depp: Difficulties, Challenges and Success: Life and Career Journey
By J.D. Rockefella

I chose to use this book as it shows a different angle on Johnny Depp's life and roles, it discuses the difficulties he went through to achieve what he has now and the challenges and obstacles he faced. This is a different take to not only showing the good parts but also the hard moments. It i useful as i can use this to support my points as well as support new posts and different ideas.

Item 10)
Popular Icons: Johnny Depp
By Dennis Abrams

This book is useful as yet again it shows the steps Johnny Depp took and overcame in order to get where he is today. It discusses his preparation for roles he has had in many different films and programmes and how he managed to acquire them. 

Item 11)
On Method Acting
By Edward Dwight Easty

This book talks about Method acting theory. Therefore the helps my research investigation as it discusses the      


Item 12)


I chose this website as it talks about '8 improvised movie scenes that became instant classics' and number 1 is Pirates of the Caribbean "I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt!" This links to my second item as that was an improvised moment that became an actual part of the film by Johnny Depp. Also, on the website it is known as an 'improvised classic' and is number 1 on the list.

Item 13)
'Rum Diary' star Johnny Depp talks Hunter S. Thompson
Benjamin Wood
Posted on 25th Oct 2011
Viewed on 20th Oct 2017

I chose to use this website as it links to my first item, the film 'The Rum Diary'. This website mentions Johnny Depp's preparation for the film and the method acting that took place and his techniques. This website helps with my research investigation as it relates to my question 'To What Extent Is Johnny Depp A Method Actor'.

Item 14)

Johnny Depp's savage journey into 'Fear And Loathing Las Vegas'
By Chris Heath
Posted on June 11th 1998
Viewed on 20th October 2017

I chose to use this website as it links to my third item, the film 'Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas'. This website mentions Johnny Depp's preparation for the film and the method acting that took place and his techniques. This website helps with my research investigation as it relates to my question 'To What Extent Is Johnny Depp A Method Actor'. As well as the steps he took into preparing for the characters role.

Item 15)
Johnny Depp has used Barbies to prepare for film roles
By Julie Miller
Posted on January 16, 2015
Viewed on 20th October 2017

I chose to use this website as it shows a completely different spin on Johnny Depp's ways of method acting that I haven't seen or heard of before. So I thought it would be good to use in my research investigation. For example, the idea he uses Barbie dolls in order to get into role of a character as a method actor. It shows the steps he takes to prepare for a role and how in depth they really are.


The reason i chose not to use this interview is because its irrelevant to my research and the research I'm trying to find on Johnny Depp. It talks about celebrity gossip rather than whether Johnny is method actor or not and the reasons why.

Sleepy hollow Film:
I decided not to use this film as its not very well known for Johnny Depp and method acting. Therefore it doesn't involve the information i need for my research investigation. Also there are no known articles that I could find which talk about Johnny Depp as a method actor which include this film, therefore I felt there was no use of it in my research investigation.

The reason I chose to reject this magazine was even though it was based on Johnny Depp, it talked very little about method acting and wasn't related to my argument therefore, was irrelevant to my study. Furthermore, this should be in my rejected items as there is no need for me to use it as it is mostly just background information about his life rather than his acting methods.


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